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Activate RBL Check On Plesk

From the command line, an RBL check can be activated on Plesk with the following:


SSH Tunnel For VNC

Recent problem where I needed to VNC to a host but the host was not directly routable. So I needed to send my traffic to a routable host and then tunnel it over to the final target host. SSH did the trick here:

Where “rhost” is the intermediate server and “host” is the final target server.


Easy MySql Install on RHEL AS4

The RHEL AS4 server had an active RHN membership so installing MySQL server was a quick and easy. Here are the commands:

# up2date –install mysql-server

# /sbin/service mysqld start

# mysqladmin -u root password “my_root_password”

# mysqladmin -u root -h localhost -p password “my_root_password”

The last command will prompt for a password. Enter the value for “my_root_password”.

And that’s all there was to it!


mod_jk for Plesk

Download and unpack mod_jk source package to /root/archive or other location as desired:

tar -xvzf jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.27-src.tar.gz
cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.27-src/jk/native2

Prepare the configure script:

chmod 755

Run the configure script:

./configure –with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs \
libtool –finish /usr/lib/httpd/modules

Copy the new modules to the apache modules directory:

cp ../build/jk2/apache2/*.so /etc/httpd/modules/


Pre-delegation access to FrontPage managed site with Plesk

On a server using Plesk, it is possible to setup event handlers that will create a host in the primary domain so that a client’s domain can be managed with FrontPage prior to delegation of the client’s domain name. For example, if the primary domain is “” and the client domain is “” with an FTP user of “acme” then the “” can be created and used until “” becomes active.

Place the following script in the cgi-bin folder of the primary domain:

Now from the Plesk control panel goto Server -> Event Manager -> Add New Event Handler

In the Event field select “Physical hosting created”.

In the Command field enter:

/home/httpd/vhosts/ <new_domain_name> <new_system_user> <new_ip_address>