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Mysql Password Recovery

Here’s a link to the instruction on how to reset a lost root password for mysql:


Fixing ethernet interface speed

On redhat, the ETHTOOL_OPTS can provide some control over interface speed. Here’s the description from documentation:

The ethtool utility provides extensive low level control over ethernet interfaces.


Redhat Network Config Resources

Here are some handy references about network config on redhat:

  • /usr/share/doc/initscripts-<version>/sysconfig.txt — A guide to available options for network configuration files, including IPv6 options not covered in this chapter.
  • /usr/share/doc/iproute-<version>/ — This file contains a wealth of information about the ip command, which can be used to manipulate routing tables, among other things. Use the ggv or kghostview application to view this file.

Defining Alias Interfaces

RedHat supports the configuration of alias interfaces via network scripts of the for “

” as described in the documentation here:

Additionally there is undocumented support for alias ranges. Using a single network script of the form “

” a set of alias interfaces can be defined. This if very handly when setting up several aliases on a web server.

Here’s a sample config file named “ifcfg-eth0-range0”:

Alias interfaces can be manually activated/deactivated with “

” or “


