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Find Sites With Most Requests In Logs

Find top sites by requests over a time period:

Replace “DD/MMM/YYYY:HH:MM” with desired period like “01/Aug/2024:15”.



Awk Script To Extract URL Parameters From Access Logs

Find and count all occurrences of “parameter” in access log:





Get Top 10 User Agents

Extract a list of the top user agents from an Apache format log file and sort in descending order by number of occurrences:

Results similar to this:




WordPress Cron With HTTP Auth

If you have a WordPress site that is password protected with HTTP Basic Auth, then you may encounter problems with the WordPress cron failing to run. A workaround is to install the “WP Cron HTTP Auth” from here:

WP Cron HTTP Auth

After you install and activate the plugin, go to “Settings->WP Cron HTTP Auth” and enter the HTTP Basic Auth credentials.


Find wp-admin url – iThemes Security / Solid Security

Quick way to find the wp-admin login slug on WordPress sites with iThemes Security or Solid Security installed:

If the sub-name changes then try: