/usr/local/psa/bin/grey_listing -h
Usage: grey_listing command [options]
Available commands:
--update-mailname or -um <mail@domain>
updates the grey listing configuration
for existing mail user
--update-domain or -ud <domain> updates the grey listing configuration
for existing domain
--update-server or -u updates the grey listing server-wide
--info-mailname or -im <mail@domain>
retrieves grey listing settings for
given mailname
--info-domain or -id <domain> retrieves grey listing settings for
given domain
--info-server or -i retrieves server wide grey listing
--help or -h displays this help page
Available options:
-status <on|off> enable/disable grey listing. Used with
--update-domain or with
--update-server command
-personal-conf <true|false> allows or prohibits personal grey
listing configuration for users. Used
only with --update-server command.
-grey-interval <number> updates grey interval value (in
minutes). Used only with
--update-server command
-expire-interval <number> updates expire interval value (in
minutes). Used only with
--update-server command
-penalty-interval <number> updates penalty interval value (in
minutes). Used only with
--update-server command
-penalty-status <true|false> enable/disable penalties for server.
Used only with --update-server command
-blacklist <add|del>:<pattern1[,pattern2]>;...
adds, deletes e-mail(s) pattern of
black list shared with spamassassin.
Used with --update-mailname or with
--update-server command
-whitelist <add|del>:<pattern1[,pattern2]>;...
adds, deletes e-mail(s) pattern of
white list shared with spamassassin.
Used with --update-mailname or with
--update-server command
-domains-whitelist <add|del>:<pattern1[,pattern2]>;...
adds, deletes domains pattern of white
list. Used only with --update-server
-domains-blacklist <add|del>:<pattern1[,pattern2]>;...
adds, deletes domains pattern of black
list. Used only with --update-server