Here’s a step-by-step to setup a RackSpace Cloud Server with CentOS for PHPList (
- Install PHP, PHP IMAP module, PHP MySQL module, MySQL Server and FTP server:
12345> yum install php> yum install php-imap> yum install php-mysql> yum install mysql-server> yum install vsftpd
Apache and a number of other related packages are installed automatically as dependencies.
- Set Apache, MySQL and FTP service to start on boot:
123> /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on> /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on> /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vsftpd on
- Start Apache, MySQL and FTP:
123> /sbin/service httpd start> /sbin/service mysqld start> /sbin/service vsftpd start
- Set MySQL root password:
12> /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'somepass'> /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h ENS password 'somepass'
- Download PHPList distribution:
123> mkdir /root/archive> cd /root/archive> wget
- Unpack and install
123> tar -xvzf phplist-2.10.10.tgz> rsync -avz phplist-2.10.10/public_html/lists \/var/www/html/
- Add FTP user and set file ownership:
123> /usr/sbin/useradd -d /var/www/ webmaster> passwd webmaster> chown --recursive webmaster.webmaster /var/www/html/
- Create database:
123456> echo "CREATE DATABASE lists" | mysql --password=somepass -u root> echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON lists.* TO 'lists_web'@'localhost'identified by 'yyyyyy';" | \mysql --password=somepass -u root> echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" | \mysql --password=somepass -u root - Configure firewall:
1> system-config-securitylevel-tui
From the security level menus, set SELinux to disabled, then customize and allow incoming WWW and FTP.
- Setup PHPList config file:
1> vi /var/www/html/lists/config/config.php
In the editor, set database parameters.
- In your web browser go to:
You’ll be prompted to initialize the database. Follow the installation screens to complete the install process.
The basic install is now complete.
The PHPList admin screens are located at:
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