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Percona XtraDB Upgrade With Yum Shell

Ran into dependency problems today trying to upgrade a Percona XtraDB server cluster. Yum shell to the rescue:

This way I can run the remove and installs as part of a single transaction.



Here’s a one-liner that will check all tables in a database:

And here’s an article that shows the use of mysqlcheck:

mysqlcheck, unlike myisamchk, can be run when the mysql daemon is running

This command will check, repair and optimize all tables in all databases:



MySQL Error: Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 20, found 16. The table is probably corrupted;

Encountered this error when dropping a table on a database that had recently been migrated from 5.0 to 5.5:

The migration used a “mysqldump –all-databases” so it included the “mysql” database. Apparently the “mysql.proc” table changed between the versions. The fix on the new server is to run:

I didn’t figure this out … instead Daniel Tillett gets the credit.


MySQL – Access Denied On Grants

Interesting problem where we got access denied errors when trying to grant privileges on MySQL server:

But we’re logged in as root so it should work. Turns out the problem is the mysql database needs to be upgraded. Try this:

Notice that it lists the individual privileges instead of saying all privileges. Now upgrade the mysql database by running mysql_upgrade:

Next restart mysql server, login and try showing grants again:

Notice now that it shows “ALL PRIVILEGES” and your grant statements will work.




Convert MyISAM Tables to InnoDB

The command to convert a single table from MyISAM to InnoDB looks like:

This is described suscintly by Major.IO:

Kevin van Zonneveld goes further in his blog:

and provides some scripts to convert all tables instead of doing one at a time.

I like the following:

This variation shows the table name before starting the conversion so I can see progress. The query output is pipped right back in to mysql to execute.