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Force MySQL to UTF-8 Encoding

Recently learned that mysql-proxy does to issue SET statements to read-only slaves when doing read/write splitting. This create a problem when the client wants to set the character set. The work around is to force all connections to the server to the desired character set which in this case is UTF-8. Add the following lines to the “[mysqld]” section of /etc/my.cnf on the server:


Change MySQL InnoDB Log File Size

Here’s my procedure for changing innodb_log_file_size:

  1. SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown = false;
  2. SET GLOBAL innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 0;
  3. /sbin/service mysqld restart
  4. /sbin/service mysqld stop
  5. rm -f /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile[01]
  6. Edit /etc/my.cnf and set new value for innodb_log_file_size
  7. /sbin/service mysqld start

Here’s a handy sql command to determine a good log file size:

then do this:

to get the MB per minute. Set the log file size to be large enough to hold one hour of logs.

See for the full discussion.


Setup MySQL To Start On Boot

By default most MySQL RPM packages do not set the MySQL server to start automatically on boot so this needs to be done manually. On RedHat/CentOS the chkconfig command should be used as follows:


Create .my.cnf File for MySQL Authentication

To simplify administration of MySQL I like to create a /root/.my.cnf file with the mysql root credentials. This way I can run the mysql command line utility without having to authenticate. Just edit /root/.my.cnf and add the following:


How-to Secure A New MySQL Installation

After install MySQL, it’s important that you secure the installation by (a) removing anonymous accounts and (b) setting a password on the admin account. This can be done with mysqladmin or with direct SQL queries. I prefer the SQL queries so that’s what I’ll show here.

  1. Start mysql command line utility and select the mysql database.
  2. Remove anonymous accounts.
  3. Set a password on the mysql root account.
  4. Flush privileges.